Wednesday, February 3, 2010

An Accomplished Woman with Autism

I don't know much about Autism (but I am learning). My family has not been personally touched by Autism.
However, since beginning my blog I have met quite a few bloggers who have children with Autism.

My misunderstanding and ignorance led me to believe that just about everyone with this disorder was totally cut off from the world that the rest of us live in. Like in their own little world that we could only sit by and observe, never really being a part of it. And they the same, here...but not here.
I saw the frustration and sadness in a mothers eyes, on a T.V show I watched for about 3 minutes years ago, when her son would pull away whenever she tried to hug him.

I thought only ones who could have any sense of living in both worlds were like "Rainman" or that piano player who is blind and plays so beautifully by ear, but cannot tie his own shoes.

I understand now that there are so many levels of Autism. That functionality depends on the person. It is not an 'across the board' dealing.

This morning I watched Martha for a moment (commercial break on the news show I usually have on) and there she was, getting ready to make a pillow with some actress (I since found out it was Claire Danes).
And they were talking about Dr. Temple Grandin. I had no idea who this woman is. But now I am fascinated by her. I am blown away by her.
Dr. Grandin did not talk until she was three and a half. After being diagnosed Autistic, her parents were urged to institutionalize her.

Claire Danes will be playing Dr. Temple Grandin in an HBO movie this coming weekend( Saturday Feb.6th).
A movie about her life and how she became an accomplished author, and a pioneer in the way animals are treated before slaughter.
Dr. Temple holds a PH.D and is an assistant professor at Colorado State University.

Her current bestselling book on autism is The Way I See It: A Personal Look at Autism and Asperger's. She also authored Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships, Animals Make us Human, Animals in Translation, Thinking in Pictures, Emergence: Labeled Autistic and has produced several DVDs.

On The Way I See It:

"Every library, large or small, needs this book on its shelves. Every school, large or small, with the responsibility of educating children with autism or Asperger’s needs the guidance this book offers. . . . Last, and certainly not least, every parent will find within these pages golden nuggets of advice, encouragement, and hope to fuel their day-to-day journey through their child’s autism. . . . The wisdom she offers through this book and its personal reflections on autism will, I’m sure, ring true for many more decades to come."

-Ruth Christ Sullivan, first elected president of the Autism Society of America

On Unwritten Rules of Social Relationships:

"I wish I had this book when Sean was a child. It would have helped me understand Sean so much more."

-Judy Barron, mother of author Sean Barron and co-author of There’s A Boy In Here

"If you’ve ever wondered, ‘What is going through my child’s mind? Why can’t he get social interactions?’ then this book is for you! ‘A-ha!’ moments abound."

-Veronica Zysk, managing editor of award-winning Autism Asperger’s Digest

I hope everyone who can, will watch and tell your friends. Maybe stick a little something on your blog in support of the children with Autism and the families who may need a little hope.
I know there are breakthroughs all the time and I will continue to pray for more.

1 comment:

  1. This movie was fantastic -- and I so is the book -- as a teacher with students who have autism, I felt that I owe it to them to better understand them.


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